Although 2020 was a difficult year, I feel it encouraged society to be innovate, plan ahead, and look into the future. My word for 2021 is “hands-on.” I think the word “hands-on” represents a practical approach to learning. At first, one thinks of kinesthetic or hands-on activities, which is one of the areas I want to practice and develop. As well, hands-on implies that I will be taking the lessons I have learn and applying them in real teaching situations. As a Teacher’s Candidate, I am excited to develop lessons using a hands-on approach like the ADST style. I loved the examples given to us about the human skeleton and brain. Using paper cut-outs, I found it fun to be in a state of re-discovery as I pieced together the clavicle to the shoulder while wearing my brain cap, which was labelled with the key areas of the brain. I think a hands-on approach gives learning soft edges. Rather than only listen to or watch someone else practice learning, hands-on encourages engagement and practice. When a student is immersed in the learning, mistakes and setbacks are understood to be part of the process.
When I think of hands-on, I think of taking responsibility. I look forward to leading students into hands-on learning, especially in respect to subjects that have previously relied on teacher led activities. For example, when teaching science, it is useful, interesting, and fun to cut out, arrange, and label the various parts of the human brain. In respect to holistic learning, I think a hands-on approach engages all of the senses in addition to the mind and body. I know from experience with my own children that when they are asked to try things with their own hands, they get far more out of the experience than if they just watch me. While the old idiom says, “It’s time to get our hands dirty,” I am sure 2021 will involve the super clean version of being hands-on.