Writing Toolkit

Telling students that a lesson will focus on punctuation can kill the classroom vibe. However, with examples like the ones above, punctuation is shown to have high utility with images that convey humour.

The above toolkit is a clear mind-map of the writing process for paragraphs. The checklist is colour-coded to emphasize what needs to be emphasized, namely the four elements listed.
Teach Writing. Org: https://www.teachwriting.org/blog/2019/8/24/tackle-the-writing-process-one-step-at-a-time

The Writing Centres are a fun and useful ideas for practicing effective writing habits. The games are particularly useful for encouraging students to practice.
Reading Toolkit
Reading Toolkit 1: https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/importance-of-reading-success/
This is a good reminder for the importance of teaching the importance of sounding out and reading every word, working through challenges as they come, and practicing patience by way of repetition and confidence building.

The above toolkit outlines phonological awareness. It is a useful source for K-3 to break words down into sounds

Site words help students gain confidence when developing reading skills.
Oral Toolkits
This blog and book teach effective communication strategies.

Role plays and theatre activities help develop oral presentation skills as well student confidence.
Oral Toolkit 3: https://www.mensaforkids.org/teach/lesson-plans/the-art-of-storytelling/
Students learn how to construct and tell stories using an images to show process and generate ideas.